Discover everyday
luxury and comfort

  • 2 hours for 275,- NOK

  • If you want the spa all to yourself, book all 10 spots

    The booking system is provided by By pressing "Book now" you will be sent to a calendar for booking an appointment. If you have purchased an annual membership, you can see your discounted price or free of charge if you have a monthly card. Upon arrival, you will receive an entry code 5 minutes before your booking starts. Use this code to enter the spa.

Book spa entrance

Rules of well being

To make sure every guest has a relaxing and enjoyable visit in the spa, we have ten simple rules for everyone to follow.

  • Please show respect to all visitors by keeping it quiet

  • Alcohol is not permitted

  • Swimwear is mandatory

  • Outdoor footwear must be placed in the hallway

  • Make sure you leave the spa as you would like to enter it

  • Diving, jumping or playing in the pools is not permitted

  • Please use a towel in the sauna

  • Do not bring mobile phones and cameras into the spa

  • Leave the spa within the two hours you have reserved

  • Stay hydrated, enjoy and relax

Remember to bring:

  • Waterbottle

  • Towel

  • Swimwear, which is mandatory

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